
I'm a fun, energetic, resourceful programmer with a passion for JavaScript, and particularly metaprogramming and esoteric TypeScript. I've spent the last 5 years working with TypeScript/React and the MERN stack at Anark, though programming has been a passion of mine since childhood.

Personal Projects

Work Experience


Anark - Software Engineer III - Apps Team

Product: cloud-based technical content hosting using MERN+TypeScript stack, Mocha+Chai test suite

  • Built client side of Work Management system
  • Mocked up, re-skinned, and largely refactored the entire front-end
  • Built client side of File Sharing application (think Dropbox or Google Drive)
  • Architected and built low-code "TemplateAPI" system, enabling clients to deeply customize our product

CU Boulder - Student Developer - ServiceNow Team

Provided support & custom-built solutions for CU IT’s SaaS issue tracker/ticketing system

  • Oversaw development of a Node+Selenium test suite
  • Developed new user onboarding course and videos

CU Boulder - Student Lead Analyst - IT Service Center

Provided tech support to the CU Boulder campus over the phone, via email, and online

  • I built tooling to improve personal & team workflows